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Thursday, September 25, 2008


Compressed archives have long become the most popular form of data storage and transmission. But there remains one problem - the integrity of the archive structure of such rar files that we easily copy to removable media or send over networks. Until recently, file damage, something we can not escape in the process of data transfer and storage, created a potential weakness of rar archives. The new generation of rar repair tools, however, provides a way to fix your corrupted rar files by applying sophisticated recovery algorithms and powerful rar repair engines.


All, you will need to set Rar Repair Tool out to work, is simply locate files that need recovery. Then the program engine takes over. It thoroughly scans each archive and compares its current and original CRC values. The robust rar repair engine of the program allows it to recover rar files wherever it's possible.

Some rar files can "span" multiple disks, but with Rar Repair Tool v.4.0 you can easily recover rar files of any number of volumes. Whatever the number of files is, however big they are, the program's powerful engine ensures their fast and accurate recovery.
Rar Repair Tool key features:

* Repairing all versions of both RAR and SFX archives;
* Recovery of multi-volume archives;
* Ability to fix rar files of any size (4 Gb and more);
* Robust recovery engine;
* Full automation of recovery process;
* Drag&Drop support;
* User-friendly interface.

The Demo version of the program will show you the list of all files recovered from the RAR or SFX archive, but these recovered files will not be stored on your hard drive. To save the recovered files, you must purchase the full version of this software.

(size 1.5mb)


sesuai untuk rar fail yang corrupted.


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